Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First Time? Really?

While speaking about her husbands campaign, and how excited and involved people are getting in it and about it, Michelle Obama had this to say, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm proud of my country." Really now?

A very large portion of the mainstream media, if they are talking about this at all, are trying to make it sound like she said something other than what she clearly said. Of course, they want to make all of us who found this to be a highly offensive statement look ridiculous, and they honestly think that people are stupid enough to buy it. The first spin that they tried to put on it was from the Obama campaign, saying, "Of course Michelle is proud of her country, which is why she and Barack talk constantly about how their story wouldn’t be possible in any other nation on Earth. What she meant is that she’s really proud at this moment because for the first time in a long time, thousands of Americans who’ve never participated in politics before are coming out in record numbers to build a grassroots movement for change." Well, that explanation might work except for a few minor (or not so minor) points. Not the least of which is the quote itself: "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm proud of my Country." Which doesn't say anything at all about any of the nonsense that the campaign in spewing. Also, it would serve us well to remember that she is an intelligent woman, whose husband his a major candidate for a major party running for the office of the President of the United States of America, so she's not going to make this kind of statement in error. Let's face it, "I'm the proudest I've ever been of my Country," is a far cry from what she actually said. To say that she didn't mean that she's never been proud of the USA in the past is ridiculous. It's specifically what she said, and she's not stupid enough to say this by mistake... and it's offensive that the press thinks that we are stupid enough to fall for it. This shows how out of touch the media is with the population in general, but it does show just how in touch the Obama's are with their base.

Now, I for one, have heard some people question how they can't be proud of their country given the status that they have already achieved, and the fact that he is on the brink of getting the Democratic Nomination for President. Not that it's such a bad question, except that it's really a softball question, and it's the kind of question that gives room for the Campaign to put out the kind of inane statement that they did, in fact, put out.

What I want to ask is this, is she really telling us that she finds nothing in the History of the USA to be proud of?

Now, I understand that there are clearly some things in the History of this nation that are not things to be proud of, however, isn't the fact that we did overcome those things cause for some national pride?

What about John Quincy Adams? The sixth President of the United States, and the only President to be elected to the US House of Representatives after serving as President, where he spent the rest of his life fighting against slavery. Isn't that something to be proud of?

What of the many soldiers who gave their lives in the Civil War? Even though Slavery was not, as is often taught, the main reason for the fighting of the War, it was a motivating factor for many to join the Union Army, and many people sacrificed greatly to bring that vile institution to an end. Can't we be proud of them?

What about World War One? Did not the United States put forth a noble effort there?

What of World War Two? Was not Hitler a sufficiently evil enemy to warrant some pride at his defeat?

What about Korea? Was it not a good thing to stop the Communists from enslaving those in the south the same way that they had with those in the north?

What of all the Americans, both black and white, who put all they had on the line for Civil Rights in the '60's? Can't we be proud of them?

What about Vietnam? Even though it was horribly mismanaged, and ended up being a loss, it was still a noble effort, and a loss only because it was a war in which decisions were made by politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, and not by commanders in the field. Of course, most liberals would never feel any pride for that, or for Korea for that matter because we were fighting against Communism, and they kinda like communism. Not by that name of course, but the do like Socialism, which is nothing more than Communism with a less soiled name.

How about the fact that Women and minorities now have all the same opportunities as anyone else? Isn't that something to be proud of? Or are liberals so busy denying the truth of that statement that they don't see it?

For me, I have been proud of my country from my earliest memory. Not that I don't understand that we have had some not so proud moments throughout the history of our country, but I have always been taught, and since being old enough to really understand these things for myself, have realized that the USA is basically good. Things have not always been as they should be, but there have always been those who have fought hard to right the wrongs that they see. This does not only apply to liberals, even though they would claim it, but they have done some good in the past, no question about that, but, most of those liberals from decades past would be utterly disgusted at what is being done in the name of liberalism today.

The United States of America is a good country, a good place, and a good people. Some, like Obama, don't believe that, and want desperately to take the USA down the wrong path.

None of us knows what the future holds, but for today we know, we are from a nation whose history we can be proud of.


Christinewjc said...

Great points Matt!

Wanted to share my latest post with you here. I think it really shows the Obamas true intentions for the minions that are currently following their cult!

Tell me what you think of this:

On the way home from dinner this evening, I was listening to the Mark Levin talk radio show. He shared an audio clip of Michele Obama, apparently speaking to the minions of cult members that are following her husband and his Soviet Socialist Republik ambitions of "change" for this country.

I need to go on a search to find her exact words. It was unbelievable people!! She was saying things like, "you will work for Obama," and "you will not go back to your unproductive, uninvolved lives." Levin stated that it sounded like the socialist activist Angela Davis of the 1960's!!!

I just listened to the downloaded copy of today's show and then converted the exact quote from the audio taped segment which was broadcast just 15 minutes ago.

I suggest that everyone reading here listen to Mark's broadcast...he sees right through the deceptions of that man!

Here is what Michele Obama said in the audio clip:

...and Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism, that you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolationism. That you come out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual - uninvolved, uninformed...

Mark then asks if it was a clip from Angela Davis! Sure sounded like her...doesn't it?


Boy...is our country in trouble if Obama gets into office...

Matt W. said...

Isn't this truly scary?

Our local talk radio station only started carrying Mark Levin a few weeks ago, and due to reception problems I don't get to listen much, but when I do, I really like him.

One thing that there can be no question about, these words, and these idea's are directly contrary to what this country was founded upon.

Now it's time to learn if the internet really is powerful enough to get the word out when the MSM refuses to do it.