Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love Fest

Ok, so I'm not one of the cynical people who cares nothing for Valentines Day, and thinks that it should just be done away with. Nor am I one of those people who goes crazy about it. We didn't really do anything for it this year, for several reasons, but I don't have anything against it, and I do like to do something special for my wife on this day, if I can.

It's confusing for kids though. My daughter came home very upset because several of her friends at school received gifts from their parents, and one girl couldn't stop talking about all the stuff that she was getting from her parents and grandparents. So she was pretty upset that we didn't get anything for her. I took the time to explain to her that Valentines day is a day for grown ups, Mommies and Daddies and such, to get each other a little something and tell each other how much they love each other, and it's a fun day for kids to exchange cards at school with the rest of the class, but it's not a gift giving day on a grand scale, like a birthday or Christmas. I also explained to her that when her mother and I were children our parents didn't give us gifts on Valentines day (Nor should they have). I won't say that this made her happy, but I think that she understood.

Valentines day isn't a day that we can say has been hijacked by commercial interest, like you can with most other Holidays, because this one, as far as I know, always has been a commercial holiday, and it can be fun too, as long as you don't place too much emphasis on it. In other words, don't go crazy.

I do find myself wondering today how many flowers, boxes of chocolate, and sweet little love cards were sent to Obama by NBC news, since they are so in love with him.

I mean, you have to look at what Obama has been saying... which is NOTHING. I don't have any issue with him talking about hope and change, but with nothing to back them up, it is all utterly meaningless. If you don't tell what changes you want to make, and what it is you plan to do to give people hope and then fulfill that hope, they are just words. There are a lot of questions that news people should be asking of this man, but they don't, they just drool over him and talk about having a thrill run up thier leg (honestly, that's what Chris Matthews said about him) or talk about getting tears in their eyes when they hear him talk. If this doesn't qualify as a crush, then I don't know what would.

Tomorrow I have a special post planned, and then I will most likely tackle the issue of the turncoat, Mitt Romney, endorsing John McCain for President on Saturday, so stay tuned, you don't want to miss these next two posts.

1 comment:

Christinewjc said...

Hi Matt,

Please please see this video! It is awesome!

I have been placing the following message on several Christian blogs:


I would like to invite readers at this blog to please watch the message at the following link. I also hope that you will be motivated to share your comments!

Marriage: The Image of God

Go to the site and click on the arrow on the right of that particular message.

When you view this video, you will see what the illicit sexual battles being faced by the church today are really all about. The fact is, it is not really only a physical battle, but more importantly, an ultimate type of spiritual battle that is transpiring.

Christine W.