Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I have a swell of conflicting emotions today. On the one hand, you can follow the link in my sidebar to Gary Durbin's blog and see his beautiful new daughter, just born Wednesday, and this fills my heart with joy. So precious, so innocent, such a miracle, such a wonderful gift from God. Looking at those pictures and reading Gary's account of the birth was really cool, and for me, as I'm sure it does with all parents, brings to mind memories of the the births of both of my kids. Thank God for the kids. They truly are a gift from Him.

On the other hand, a new study says that abortions in this nation hit a 30 year low in 2005, which sounds good on the surface, until they continue and tell you that there were still 1.2 Million babies murdered in 2005. Over 20% of Pregnancies in the US in 2005 ended in murder. Needless to say, this brings overwhelming sadness.

When I got to the part about the sheer number of babies that are murdered in our country every year, I felt sick to my stomach. It kind of felt like I had been hit with something.

And furthermore, the way that stories like this are covered in the media is sickening. You find reporters so enamored of Barak Obama that they can scarcely contain themselves, throwing objectivity to the wind, but when reporting about "abortion," a grossly optimistic misnomer, they have no problem stating this very matter of factly, and they will say that they have to remain objective. So disgusting.

Where is the outrage? The ranks of the pro-life activists have dwindled significantly over the years. It's not that people don't believe just as strongly as they ever have, it's just that people grow tired of fighting day in and day out while babies are being killed in the womb, and it's hard to keep up the tempo year after year, but thank God for those who do.

This is why I'm so torn and conflicted today. It seems kinda funny to feel so much joy and so much sadness all at the same time, but here it is, it's how I feel today.

While we're talking about babies though, I'll throw this in. Last night O'Reilly had a segment about women targeting rich and famous men to get pregnant by them and thus have them on the hook for child support. The really funny part of the segment was the male guest who wanted to blame the whole thing on the women, saying that they are so bad because they are doing this on purpose. So Bill tried to point out to him that, while it was true that the women shouldn't be doing this, the men share in the fault because the women wouldn't have been able to get pregnant if the men hadn't slept with them, and the guy simply couldn't get it through his head. This I thought was pretty funny, because it's what I had said right at the beginning. I have no sympathy for these guys. They did the deed for free, but now they are going to have to pay the price. Tough. What a world.

1 comment:

Gary Durbin said...

Yeah man. The world is not a God-fearing world anymore. Even the U.S. doesn't revere God in whom "we trust." (which, that saying on our currency is probably one of the most ironic things out there). I just saw on the news a woman killing her 10 month old baby, and it's a picture of the darkness of this world. I keep going back to the song "The Solid Rock" and the first line, "my hope is built on nothing less." Jesus is truly our only hope. People will eventually let you down in some way or another.