Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Monday, September 1, 2008

What Others Are Saying About Gov. Palin

"And of course as governor, she has had enormous responsibilities, none of which Senator Obama had. When she was in government, he was a community organizer. When she was taking tough positions against her own party, Senator Obama was voting present 130 times in the state legislature. On every tough issue, whatever it was, she was taking them on. That's the kind of judgment that I'm confident that we need in Washington." -- John McCain

John McCain: "What this brings is a spirit of reform and change that is vital now in our nation's capital. Eighty four percent of the American people think the country's on the wrong track. In our Party, we have corruption. We have former members of Congress residing in federal prison, so it's not surprising to me that we've seen an incredible invigoration around our Party and around the nation, not just Republicans, but Democrats. By the way, in the last day and a half or whatever it's been, we have raised $4 million on the Internet. I wish I had taken her a month ago."

"She's got the right judgment. She doesn't think, like Senator Obama does, that Iran is a minor irritant. She knows that the surge worked and succeeded and she supported that. Senator Obama still, still to this day, refuses to acknowledge that the surge has succeeded. She's been commander-in-chief of the Alaska Guard that has served back and back. In fact, as you know, she's got a son who's getting ready to go. But she's had the judgment on these issues that Senator Obama, he's had all the wrong judgments. Governor Palin understands these issues, and she understands the challenges that we face, so she's had 12 years of elected office experience, including travelling to Kuwait, including being involved in these issues, and look, I'm so proud that she has displayed the kind of judgment and she has the experience and judgment as an executive. She's run a huge economy up there in the state of Alaska. Twenty percent of our energy comes from the state of Alaska, and energy is obviously one of the key issues for our nation's security." John McCain


"The choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be the Republican vice presidential nominee is energizing the GOP base like nothing John McCain has ever done. Indeed, just as Barack Obama had to prop up his weak credentials by picking someone with experience, John McCain had to bolster his long resume, filled with heroism, military skill and governmental knowledge with a fresh, solid, proven conservative who has walked the walk and not just talked the talk.

"Sarah Palin is the real deal. From her days as a tenacious high school basketball player and beauty queen to her meteoric rise through the ranks of Alaska politics, she didn’t get the nickname ‘Sarah Barracuda’ for nothing. She is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association and a compassionate 44-year-old mother of five, including a Down’s syndrome child born in April of this year."--Doug Patton of Human Events


"OF COURSE conservatives would vote for a woman. Conservatives simply need the RIGHT woman; conservatives simply won't just vote for ANY woman just because she's a woman.

"Conservatives would vote to a man for someone like Margaret Thatcher. And now conservatives actually have a chance to do just that.

"There will be NO gender gap with conservatives THIS year." Human Events Commentor

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