Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Vote Them Out

The US Congress has gone on vacation, without even so much as voting on allowing oil drilling anywhere for the sake of lowering gas prices. They did vote to go into recess though, and that vote was 213 in favor of leaving us in the lurch, and 212 against (a thank you to the 17 Democrats who voted to stay on). So, by one vote they decided to do nothing at a time when they clearly should have taken action.

Far too often the Government will take all kinds of actions when they really should do nothing, but when when we need them to take some action to fix the mess that has been made by their own past actions, they refuse to do it.

Let's review: They say that any new drilling will take 10 years or more to get gas to the pump, but this is simply a lie. Experts, that is those who actually know something about the subject rather than morons in Congress who think they know everything, say that in some cases it could be as little as one year, in most cases three years, and rarely as much as five years. One expert I saw interviewed said that he couldn't imagine a scenario by which it would take ten years to get the fuel to market.

They say that the Oil Companies already have a whole bunch of leases to drill for oil, and shouldn't have any more area opened to them until they have drilled on all the land that they already have. The truth of the matter is that, while they do have a bunch of leases, that is not the final step in being able to drill, there are still multiple permits that are needed, which the Government has been loathe to issue them. On top of that, when it looks like they might actually be able to drill somewhere, the Environmentalist (the wacko kind) take them to court and get injunctions against them and the drilling is not allowed from that end. Besides that, some of this area that they already have leases on has been explored and found not to have any oil on (under) it, and is therefore worthless. In some cases there are adjacent parcels of land, and when one is found to have no oil, it would be worthless and pointless to to drill on the one right next to it as they have already proven that there is no oil there. So, the propaganda being spewed by the leftist about all the land that Big Oil already has is nothing but lies.

They say that we should tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices, but that drilling for more oil won't lower the cost. I think Bush answered this best when he said that it doesn't make any sense to deplete our very limited emergency oil reserve while refusing to actually increase our supply.

They say that they are doing this for the environment, and trying to "Save the Planet!" The truth is that while they are going nuts about the evil of oil here in the US, they are screaming for other Countries to increase production. Does this make any sense at all? They fight like mad to keep us from producing our own oil, all the while demanding that other countries increase the supply, and crying about how much oil we import.

Unless your goal is to keep the gas prices as high as possible, these positions are untenable.

There is only one answer to this problem, go to the polls in November and vote these idiots out of office. It's our only hope.

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