When I talked to my wife from work last night, she told me that my McCain/Palin sign had been pulled up and thrown onto the lawn, but that my McCain sign seemed ok, of course, it was dark, so she couldn't see it that well.
When I got home, I put my sign back together and put it back out in the yard, but I could see something was wrong with the McCain sign too, so I walked over and saw that someone tried to pull it out too, but were apparently they were too weak. Actually, since it was attacked with the stick a week or so ago, I had to put the support sticks in at an odd angle, which made it really hard to pull out, so all they managed to do was to bend the top bar.
I have been hearing a lot of stories of McCain/Palin supporters having their yard signs and such stolen or destroyed, but I haven't heard the same thing from Obama people. It's not that I don't think it has happened in that direction at all, but I do think that it's happened far more against McCain supporters.
This bothers me because I can argue the issues all day long, and if people wanted to talk to me about those issues, I would be more than happy to. Unfortunately most Obama supporters don't really care to talk issues, because the facts are not in their favor, so, instead, they try to simply destroy or shout down all opposition.
These things are important, but when your level are argument amounts to attacking yard signs, you really can't be taken seriously.
Vote McCain/Palin '08!
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