Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Vile Hatred

So, I've been taking my time in thinking about the words that were said by Barack Obama's pastor, and about Obama's response to the whole thing, and I have a few things to say.

First of all, if you haven't seen any of the clips from this mans "Sermons" I suggest you do so, so that you can see what exactly I'm talking about. You can find them at a plethora of web sites; www.foxnews.com www.hotair.com or, look them up yourself at www.youtube.com where you see them doesn't much matter, that you see them matters a great deal.

Much of what this man says is flat out untrue. Now, if he were just disagreeing about certain points, I might give him a pass, for instance, when he talks about how wrong America was to drop the two atomic bombs in WWII, he is free to have that opinion, I don't agree with it, but I don't begrudge him the right to have it. To explain myself a little bit here, I'm not saying that I don't think that it was a horrible thing that was done, just that lives, of both civilian and military personnel, would have been lost in far greater numbers had those bombs not ended the war, so, as horrific as they might have been, and indeed were, not dropping them would have constituted the greater evil. Again, I don't think that he has to agree with my view on this, but to turn it around and claim that, because we did that, that we deserved to be hit, as we were, on September 11th 2001, is not only offensive to any clear thinking, rational American, but in my view, is a morally reprehensible statement to make.

Some of the other stuff though, that the US Government (or possibly anybody who is white) started the AIDS virus as a means of killing black people, is simply one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Of course, right up there with it was his assertion that the Government gives drugs to black people, just so it can put them in prison. Of course, he never defends these positions, likely because they are indefensible. It's almost as crazy though as saying that Obama would be a better President than Clinton (don't get me wrong here, I think either one would be terrible) just because she doesn't know what it's like to be an oppressed black person. Well, I'd like to point out here, neither does he really. Might he have suffered some from racism throughout his life? Sure it's possible, but not like this guy is trying to get us to believe. Obama wasn't around for the Civil Rights era any more than I was. And let's be honest, whatever else the Clintons might be (and a lot of things could be said here) one thing that is for sure, is that they are not racist, nor are they trying to oppress black people.

And what's this nonsense about Jesus being a black man? Jesus was a Jew (Oh yeah, make sure you don't miss the comments that demonstrate how much this man hates Jews!). While it is true that many of the paintings that have been done of him (all of them artist impressions because, as we know, none of them actually know what Jesus actually looked like from a human standpoint) tend to show him as a European White man, which is also not true, but let's not get carried away and declare him to be black, just because it fits what someone wants to believe.

And one question I would like to ask Mr. Wright is how it is that, given his own admission that he is all about doing what is best for black people, that he can support anyone who supports Abortion, as Obama vehemently does? After all, it has been proven that the Abortion movement, right from the very beginning, was geared toward killing black children. Granted, many whites kill there babies in this way, but a disproportionate number of blacks are murdered in this way, and nobody seems to care. In fact, it was recently revealed by an undercover investigation that Planned Parenthood is perfectly willing to accept donations earmarked for an abortion by a black woman. Of course, most media outlets didn't utter a peep about this, but you can find it with a little digging (www.worldnetdaily.com).

Now, on to the question of whether or not Obama should be held to account for any of this, and, given the circumstances, the answer is yes.

I'm not suggesting that Obama could have stopped the man from saying these things, or that he put him up to it, or in some way controls what Wright says. It's not about that at all. What I am saying is that Obama is responsible for associating himself with this man and his radical views. Obama attended this man's "Church" for over 20 years, the Obama's were married by this man, and his children were baptised by this man, and he calls him his Spiritual advisor, and a close friend. At the very least this calls his judgement into question, but personally, I think it goes deeper than that.

How could someone stay in a Church where this kind of vile hate spewed repeatedly from the pulpit? I couldn't, and I don't think most people could... unless they agreed with it!! And that's what it comes down to, does Obama agree with this racist drivel, and hate filled vitriol? And if he doesn't, how does he justify staying in this Church? And he must. There is no problem with a black person being President, but there is a serious problem with a racist, of any color, being President. In example, look at Woodrow Wilson, a hero to some on the left, and yet, without question, one of, if not the, most flat out racist men to ever occupy the office of the President. A hard look at this man will show that he did far more to damage race relations in the country than many of the more well known villains, and we can't afford to go back there again.

Now, about Obama's "great" speech. I fail to understand how it is that anyone, except for the most dense, can think that Obama did himself any good at all with this speech. He basically came out, and flat out admitted that he knew about the stances and statements of this man, but could not disavow him. So, for all those idiots who have been saying that people like me were blasting Obama through guilt by association, how is it exactly that an admission of guilt is better than that? It seems crazy to me that people aren't pointing that out. To me, I think his speech made it worse, but that is mitigated by people in the media trying to spin it to his favor. Even Bill O'Reilly said that Obama had "stopped the bleeding" with this speech, which made me say, "huh?"

You also hear people talk about how great a job Obama has done at keeping race out of this election. I assert though that he has done a good job of pretending to keep race out of things. To see this, you don't have to look back that far, you only need to look at what happened recently with comments made by Geraldine Ferraro, (and whatever you may think of her, she is no racist) basically saying that Obama has done as well as he has in this election because he is a black man, and the Obama campaign, and even Obama himself, couldn't call her a racist, or at least accuse her of racist comments, fast enough. The fact of the matter is that she was right. Let me explain that now. If the entire field were white men, including Obama, then he would have had a very good chance to be doing as well as he is doing now, with his inane message of hoping for nothing, and just making people feel good about being too ignorant to see what he actually wants to do to our nation, however, if he were a white man, all other things being equal, running against Hillary, she would have crushed him, therefore, it is factual, and not racist to say that his race has served him well in this campaign.

In short, either Obama agrees with Wright, and is also a racist, or he his far too cowardly to stand up and confront him, or to even just walk out, either way, he is not President material.

Oh yes, and as to his assertion that we all have heard our Pastors say things that we disagree with, let me just say, some minor thing that I might have disagreed with, or been unsure of, is not even remotely the same thing. He claimed that people have been cherry picking what his Pastor says, but to that I say, you can Cherry Pick my Pastors Sermons all day long, and you aren't going to find this vile garbage anywhere, and honestly, if you did, I wouldn't stay in the Church... and I have no plans to run for President.

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