Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Hating Hillary

It's no secret that I'm no big fan of Hillary Clinton. I think that her becoming President would be disastrous for our Country. I even doubt that I would care for her if I met her face to face. All that being said though, I am just stunned by the treatment she is getting from many others, especially the media, who were deeply in love with her just a few short months ago.

It's not so surprising that Republicans and Conservatives has such a strong reaction to her, but I even object to some of that stuff. You see, I have no issue at all when people argue against the positions that she has staked out for herself on the issues, or disagree with the things that she has said. It doesn't even bother me that people have called her a liar in the past week, as she has been caught in several lies recently. Most notably the Bosnia flap, where she claimed to have landed under fire and having to run head down to the convoy, and not having a welcoming ceremony upon arrival. Of course, the video of the welcoming ceremony tells a differing tale, not to mention several eye witnesses. She also claimed at one time to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, even though she was 4 years old when he became famous, and she once claimed that Chelsea was right next door to the World Trade Center and heard one of the planes hit, even though Chelsea herself says that she was at home, and first learned of the attacks on the TV, just like the rest of us. So, the label of liar does seem to fit. These things I don't take issue with.

Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. Many people insist on attacking the woman personally, and spreading rumors about her as if they are absolute truth. Perhaps some of what they say is true, but talking about it gains people nothing, and when the things that are said are not true, if this is discovered, it does her more good than harm. And some of the jokes are way over the top, and some of the doctored pictures are just flat out stupid. These things are not helpful.

Gary, who's blog is linked in my sidebar, mentioned a few weeks ago about how Christians are supposed to pray for our political leaders, and, if Hillary gets elected, a lot of Christians are going to have a serious problem doing that. That is very true. It's hard to pray for someone that you hate so passionately. As I've laid out here, I really don't care for Hillary Clinton, but I don't hate her. I hate what she wants to do to my Country, but not her personally. Hatred is something that Christians are not supposed to feel toward people. It can be hard, but we really need to not let ourselves fall into the trap of hating people, no matter how reprehensible we find their policies, or positions, or even personal actions.

What surprises me though is the reaction that she has drawn recently from liberals, especially those in the media. The hatred they have shown toward her has really been stunning. She's a far lefter, and so are they, but along came Barack Obama, who is even farther to the left than Hillary, and so the media abandoned her, now viewing her as nothing more than the person who is getting in Obama's way. It's crazy.

The media has been falling all over themselves apologizing for Obama regarding the fact that he has shown himself several times to be a racist, staying under the preaching of a "Pastor" who spewed racial hatred on a regular basis, and then accusing his Grandmother of being a racist, although we only have his word for that to begin with, then saying that no, she's not a racist, she's just a typical white person... yeah, that's not a racist statement. And yet, the media says that anyone who objects to this stuff is just over reacting.

They don't really mind Hillary being called a liar, and yet, Obama says that he never heard Wright say any of this stuff, and then, a few days later says that he did, which is admitting a lie, and yet they say nothing about it. Oh, and by the way, just like Hillary, Obama likes to drop some lies around himself. He said that it was the marches on Selma that gave his parents the courage to get married (her being white and him black) and have a child (him) but the truth is that he was born in '61 and the first march on Selma didn't happen until '65. He also claimed that Kennedy's Presidency gave his Grandfather the hope to send his father to the US. However, his father came to Hawaii in '59, while Ike was still in the Oval Office, and still long before the '60 election. But they don't call him on any of his lies.

There are even quite a few Democrats now calling for Hillary to drop out of the race. About the same amount are calling for Obama to drop out, but, for all her faults, Hillary hasn't shown herself to be a racist, so, it makes sense that people would want Obama to drop out, but I still can't figure out why they are so against Hillary, except for one thing, they have an option that is farther to the left in Obama, and therefore they have decided to try to get rid of her, so that the most socialist candidate possible can get on the ticket. It's the only thing that makes sense.

It doesn't bother me that the Democrats are fighting, but it does tell you something that they have so readily turned on each other, given how similar the positions are. This is not the same as what has happened on the GOP side. People, like me, who are unhappy with McCain as a candidate, disagree with him on the issues, and we don't like his stances. We are not trying to destroy him personally, we just don't like his politics. On the Dem side, it has become very personal.

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