Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Have you heard what happened at Boulder High School in Boulder Colorado? If you get all your news from the mainstream media, I'm betting you haven't. We all know that schools have been teaching questionable (even objectionable) sex ed for quite some time now, but this goes WAY beyond that. The administration in Boulder invited a liberal group to address the students on the subjects of sex and drugs. They held the "session" in the school auditorium, and required the students to attend. And what were the students told? They were encouraged to use drugs. Yes, that's what I said, they encouraged the students to use illegal drugs. They also told the kids that it is natural to experiment with sex, and that it would be a wonderful thing for them to have indiscriminate sex with whomever they want, whenever they want, and that they should experiment with all kinds of sex, including same sex encounters. As if this weren't bad enough, and believe me, it is, they were further told that Condoms just get in the way of sex, and they would have a much better time without them! I'm not a fan of the "safe sex" mantra, as we all know that condoms are NOT 100%, but don't we want to kids that do have sex to, at the very least, use them? So while we have spent so much time worried about the "safe sex" teaching in our schools, it appears we didn't see the unlimited, unrestrained, not even remotely safe sex crowd sneaking in to corrupt our children. Of course when they started spouting this drivel the teachers jumped right up and took the kids out to protect them from this truly dangerous "teaching"... oh, wait, no that's not what happened. The teachers and administration sat right there and let it happened, not even bothering to counter! But of course the administration was all fired for letting this happen... oh wait, sorry, that didn't happen either, no one has been held accountable for this outrage. That's right, not one single person. The Governor of Colorado has been completely silent, lacking the moral courage (or any kind of courage) to even so much as make a statement. On top of all of this, the school district has invited these lunatics back for next year! Yeah, you read that right, they are having them back, but don't worry, all is well, only the kids (teenagers mind you) that want to be told that it's OK to have sex with anyone and everyone, and drink alcohol (forgot to mention that didn't I, but yeah, that too) and use drugs, will be in attendance, it won't be required. I hope you caught that, only kids that want to be told that they can do whatever they want, without limits, will attend next year. Like showing up at an AA meeting with a full wet bar and saying that no one is required to drink, it's just there if people want to. Even if they know they shouldn't, how many will really stay away? So was this in your local paper? Did you see it on the evening news? I didn't think so. But now you know. And you don't have to take my word for it, you can check with "Focus on the Family" or http://www.billoreilly.com/ if you want to check it out for yourself. I hope you are as outraged by this as I am!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully people will see this on your blog, or on the Focus on the Family website and start a grassroots outrage campaign. Hey, if we really want change and responsibility upheld in this country, it's up to us to stand up and demand it. If we aren't vocal, then they continue getting away with it. Amazing, abstainence cannot be taught as an "effective" sexual practice, yet someone will come into our schools and fill our kids minds with garbage about unsafe sex practices, drug abuse, drinking, etc, and are allowed to get away with it. I suppose it falls under free speech. But I really question, will they be around when these teenagers are having unwanted children, or are getting beind the wheel of a car when they've had too much to drink? Or more importantly will they be there as support when the unsafe sex practices they are encouraging lead to disease and even death for some of these teens. No, these kids will become just another statistic. What a sad world we live in.