Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Color Dem Crazy

I had quite the experience the other day. It seems that there was a Republican debate which I hadn't been aware of, and I missed it, though I'm told that I didn't miss much. So I saw another listing for "Presidential Debate" and I recorded it, hoping that it might be a replay of the one that I missed. I should have looked more closely. I ended up recording the Democratic debate.

I watched several minutes of it, much for the same reason that people would watch a train wreck, it may be horrific, but you just can't look away... until, that is, you become overwhelmed by the gore (no pun intended) and just can't take any more.

Overall though, it was a positive experience. It made me realize something. Something that I probably already knew on some level, but hadn't fully comprehended yet. You see, as I've said before, I've been looking more at the Republicans until the nominees are selected, and we get into a general election. I've known what the Democrats are all about, and what kind of dastardly plans they have for the USA, but what struck me was how open and honest they are about it.

It was really an experience listening to these people, all of whom wish to become President, although there really are only 2 who may have a realistic shot, talk so openly about the socialistic programs and policies that they would try to put in place if elected. For me, being a Conservative, the words "Universal Healthcare" are flat out evil words. This because I understand, as most conservatives do, how much a of a disaster Government run Health Care would be for the USA, just as it has been for every other nation in which it has been attempted, Micheal Moore's propaganda not withstanding. And yet I heard John Edwards use the same phrase as though the world will end if it is not implemented, and those little lines that show what people think of the Candidates answer kept going up, indicating that they liked it, and it wasn't just those identified as liberal, but also those identified as moderate. I was also treated to a delightful sound bite of Barrack Obama talking about the redistribution of wealth, of course, that's not how he put it, he said something to the effect that we should close the tax loopholes for the rich, so we can take that money, and put it back into the pockets of the taxpayers... a totally incomprehensible statement if taken at face value, but what he actually meant was, he wants to raise taxes on the rich (which is where it starts, but in the end it always nails anyone who works for a living) and hand it out in social welfare programs to those who have less. This is the paragon of Socialism. Now, I'm not going to argue that there are tax loopholes, and something needs to be done, but the Obama plan won't cut it. The tax code needs to be tossed in the trash, and a new, fair, and honest way of collecting taxes needs to be implemented.

I also heard one of the others talking about all the places we could cut spending, things like pulling out of Iraq, and cutting a whole boatload of military expenditures that aren't even related to the Iraq conflict, leaving us weak and vulnerable, but hey, the Government would have plenty of money to spend then, according to this clown.

Perhaps they should have saved themselves the time and trouble, and just given each candidate five minutes to explain what steps they would take to undermine American sovereignty, liberty, and prosperity in favor of globalism. This would have at least given them all a chance to be bi-partisan, since they could talk about continuing to fight for George W. Bush's dream of amnesty for all illegal immigrants, and totally open and unsecured borders. That might have been a good place to start.

One other thing I heard, and this was right before I shut the thing off, was Hillary trying to take credit for the good state of the US economy under Bill's presidency, as if she had something to do with it... as if he had anything to do with it! Most of those good economic years we had were carryover from the Reagan years and all of his hard work to get our nation back on track. But I digress. This is one place where I think conservatives and Republicans have done ourselves a great dis-service. So many pundits have talked at length about how much power Hillary had during Bill's presidency, and have called them Co-Presidents, and things of that nature, so, anyone who has good memories of those years, and who buys into this line of reasoning, will actually have more reason to vote for Hillary, cause they would think that they were getting her back, when in truth, and people need to be honest, we never had her to begin with... Thank God!

The saddest part of all though is the number of Republicans who are willing to support Rudy Giuliani to run against one of these democrats, when he's really one of them. Yes, I called him a socialist, and I meant it. But don't take my word for it, go ahead, elect him, he'll destroy our nation just as much as any democrat, but at least I'll be able to say, see, I was right.

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