Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Giving Up

Well, it finally happened. Pat Robertson has come out in support of Rudy Giuliani for President, saying that the most pressing problem for America is the threat of Islamic Terrorism. While it's true that this is a major threat, what is not true is that Giuliani is the only candidate that could deal effectively with the terrorists. In fact, he is far less than equal to the task given his soft stances on illegal immigration. Most reasonable people realize that without secure borders, we will always have the threat of terrorism here at home.

Of course, Pat Robertson is not the only one. Several evangelical leaders have thrown in with Mitt Romney, probably the only Republican running who is worse than Rudy. At least with Giuliani you know what you are getting, Romney changes his mind so much, you would have no clue what you are getting.

There is also the point that while terrorism is indeed a serious threat, it is not the most pressing issue of this election. The culture in this country is in a desperate downward spiral, and while it is not the Presidents job to fix the culture, we certainly don't need one that is going to make things worse.

Also, it needs to be pointed out that these men are not Conservatives. They act as though there are no Conservative Choices that would be better than Giuliani or Romney, and that simply is not true. Fred Thompson is actually Conservative (at least relatively so) and would be far tougher on illegal immigration than the other two, and would be very tough in the war on terror. Mike Huckabee is fairly conservative, and looks like he would be somewhat tougher on the immigration front. And also, Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo would be far better choices, and I'd like to see one of these men get some endorsements from prominent Conservatives based on these things.

I really don't want to see us end up with the same old choice between the lesser of two evils. Remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil.

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