Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Most people have a pretty good idea of what prayer is, basically, it's talking to God. There are a lot of uses for prayer, everything from praise and worship to asking for help in time of need, to seeking guidance for everyday life, to just keeping open communication with God, among other things. But at it's very core prayer is really about one on one conversation with our Creator. And that's what I really wanted to talk about today.

Now, please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with group prayer, or with a Pastor leading prayer in a church service, or people just gathering around the pray together, in fact, I would say that these are good things... unless the only time a person prays is out loud in front of other people, the Bible specifically tells us that those who pray for others to see already have their reward. But to pray out loud in front of people is fine, if you don't mind doing it.

What has always bothered me to some degree is when it is expected for you to lead prayer in a group, and I'm not talking about asking the blessing before a meal, that's something that pretty much anyone can handle, but in a group, to be put on the spot has always rubbed me the wrong way. For me it's like this, when I have to pray in front of other people, I think way to much about what they think of my prayer, and I end up saying whatever seems that it will sound good to them, and it doesn't really matter that they aren't going to judge me for what I say, I can't get past the hurdle, and so I end up saying a bunch of words, but I'm not really praying. When I am alone, and it's just me and God, then I'm free to open up and lay it all out in front of Him, with no concern for what anyone else would think if they heard it. It used to be that when I was asked to pray somewhere I would feel that I had no choice, and so I would say something that I thought sounded good, but in truth, I wasn't really praying, and for me personally, I finally decided that enough was enough, so when I was asked to pray in Sunday School this past week, I politely refused. Not something most people in church are used to, but maybe they should get used to it.

I guess the point today is, if you are able to really pray in front of others, go for it, it really can be a blessing to listen to someone else talk to God, but if you're like me, and just can't really open up and pray unless you are alone with God, don't be afraid to politely decline. And if you are someone who is doing the asking for someone else to pray, and then inform you that they would rather not, please, respect that, and whatever you do, don't take it personally.

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