There is a generally accepted idea that people who believe in the Biblical account of Creation are ignoring science, or that perhaps the Bible is true, but we have misunderstood it. In this book, John MacArthur takes you step by step through the first three Chapters of Genesis to show us exactly what the Bible says, and why we have not misunderstood it. He also takes you through some of the science (although this is not an in depth scientific study) to show that it is not Christians who have ignored what science is trying to tell us.
More importantly, perhaps, MacArthur guides us through why it is that people would cling to such notions as evolution, in the face of overwhelming evidence that Creation is actually the truth.
I won't get into all of these reasons here today, since MacArthur does such a great job of bearing it all out in the pages of this book. This is a book I highly recommend, and, at present, it costs only $11.00 at www.gty.org and I think you'll find it to be money well spent.
For any Christian who has held fast to their belief in Scriptural Creationism, but is constantly buffeted by the never ending storm of criticism from the world at large, I think this book will be a huge blessing. For those who don't know, or believe in Evolution but are wanting to look at the other side of the debate, this book will be, at the very least, a great place to start.
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