There are reasons why I wouldn't say that I am an environmentalist, but none of them have anything to do with not wanting a clean environment. I would say that I am a reasonably green person. I think that people should take all reasonable steps to keep our world clean. God gave us charge over the Earth, and part of that is a responsibility for us to care for the planet in a reasonable way. Where I have trouble with most environmentalists is that they are nuts. They want to take conservation and such to an outrageous extreme. You will hear some saying that Humans are a parasite that has infected the planet, some going so far as to say that the only thing that could save the planet would be getting rid of most of the people. Like I said, these people are nuts. While I agree that we should be careful not to be wasteful, I would not go so far as to say that you can't cut down a tree to make a table, or cabinets, or paper, just that we shouldn't be wasteful with our resources. I would have to say that another problem is the hypocrisy of so many of the most prominent loudmouths in the movement. People like Al Gore who preach to us about conserving electricity and fuel, and then flies around the world in a private jet, and uses huge amounts of electricity in his home and office, and paper as well I'm sure. And this whole idea of being carbon neutral is just bogus. If you are using it, you are using it, and that is all there is to it. Honestly, people have to go about the business of their daily lives, and it takes gas and electricity to do that, and people will do the best they can save as much money as they can on those things, but they will do what is most economical. So, if they want us all to embrace some newer technology and such, they just need to make it cheaper than what we have now, because most people just can't afford to pay more. I think you would find a lot more green people, if the mainstream of the green people weren't
flippin' crazy!
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