I wanted to address here today something that I've heard quite a few times recently. Mostly this nonsense comes from the far left, but it gets repeated, and we end up with regular people buying into it. Of course I'm talking about President Bush being compared to Hitler. I guess the premise is that since Bush has made decisions, even quite a few that I don't agree with, that have resulted in people being killed, he is a modern day Hitler. This is of course an outrageous assertion. Hitler was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 11 million people. This estimate of course doesn't include the deaths of the German soldiers who were killed during the course of World War II, this is the number of people that he ordered to be murdered so that he could establish his rule and his master race, or because he deemed them to be somehow sub-human, and below his ideal of a master race. Absolutely nothing about that bears any resemblance to President Bush's choices to invade Iraq, or any other actions that he has taken in the War against Global Terrorists. I have no problem if someone feels that we should not have invaded Iraq, I respect the opinions of people who believe that we have failed to do the right thing with regards to capturing and imprisoning terror suspects around the world, though I don't agree with this second one, and there are plenty of other area's where a person can very legitimately disagree with the President and his administration, and we should encourage open and honest debate on all of these issues. However, President Bush has done nothing to lend any credence to this notion that he is anything like Hitler.
On the other hand, and please, don't take this the wrong way, there are a great many Democrats today who are pushing very hard to institute a socialist agenda in our country. Pushing hard for socialized medicine and programs that force the redistribution of wealth. These are clear cut socialist ideals, which if of course the same thing as Communism, so should be compare them to Stalin or Chairman Mao? They both believed strongly in a Socialist agenda, and would do anything to further it. Of course Stalin killed an estimated 60 Million people, while chairman Mao is estimated to have killed 50 Million people, as a conservative estimate. My guess would be that most people would call that kind of comparison crazy, and they would have a point. But the fact is that it is no crazier than comparing Bush to Hitler. Think about it, just because a person feels really strongly about something, it doesn't mean that they should go and compare them to some monster from history, we should all just engage in open and honest debate, because that's how problems get solved, not by mud slinging.
1 comment:
I actually heard a comedian talk about this recently, and he said the comparison was ridiculous, because Hitler was a great speaker. Joking aside, good blog. See ya.
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