Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Let's Cut To The Chase

There has been a lot of talk in the press lately, actually for over a year now, regarding something that they like to call "Universal Health care." This is to make it sound good, making people think that it is about making sure that everyone has access to quality health care. Of course, this is not actually the truth.

What is being discussed would be much more accurately referred to as either Socialized Medicine, or Nationalized Health care, to indicate that it is Government run medical services, not simply health care for everyone.

This has been implemented in many countries around the world, and has been absolutely disastrous in each and every case. Oh, sure, in relatively free counties it works ok for people with the sniffles who need a simple prescriptions now and then, and even sometimes for broken bones and things like that. However, for people with major problems, they end up waiting months for things that would be dealt with in just days, or even hours, here in the US. In Canada, an entire industry has grown up around the need that people have to get these emergency medical conditions treated in the US, so that they might have a chance at survival. In these systems, people die for the simple reason that they cannot get treated at all. That is to say, they get scheduled for whatever tests they need and such, but, but the tests are scheduled so far out that they end up dying before that date arrives, and quite often it's something that could have been effectively treated, if it had been done in a timely manner. Of course, no Government does anything in a timely manner, except for tax it's people.

So, if it has been proven to be such a failure everywhere, why are people so intent on pushing for it. Well, first of all, there are a lot of people who just really don't understand the truth of the matter and don't take the time to learn the facts. But what about those who do know the truth, why would they be pushing so hard for this insane plan? It's simple, population control. These are the people who believe that the Earth is overpopulated and that some of the people need to be killed off. I guess they see controlling the medical industry as a good way to accomplish this mission. Most people won't even say something like this, but it's grossly obvious, there is simply no other reason why someone who understands the truth would want to go through with it, they just want people to die. It's not the same as the people who just believe the lies that the media tells them, and in fact, most in the media don't care to get to the truth either, because it just sounds so good when you don't tell the whole truth of the matter.

This is indeed a very sad situation, but, sadder still is the fact that so many people are so willing to let such a system be put in place here, either because they don't understand what is going on, or because they believe in the population control policy.

And, don't be fooled by Micheal Moore and his propaganda, where he went down to Cuba and made it look like the Medical Care that is enjoyed by Castro and his Elitist friends is the same as what is available to the rest of the Cuban people. Of course, this is nonsense, most Cubans don't get any care at all of any kind for anything. This is why earlier I said that it can work ok for certain things in relatively free countries, because I wanted to clarify that in places like Cuba, it doesn't work for the common people at all, ever. Is that really what we want to put in place here? I don't really think so.

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