Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pul-eeze Prize

In case you haven't heard, Al Gore has won a Nobel Peace Prize for being a global warming alarmist. I guess all you have to do to win one of these things is to be a high profile hypocrite, thumping for something embraced by all the socialists of the world.

Let's examine, for a moment, what it is exactly that Al Gore has done to deserve this honor. First there is the fact that he is spreading the word of Global Warming alarmism with all the fervor of a religious extremist that the far left has nothing but revulsion for. Then he strongly urges the adoption of policies to reduce, so-called, greenhouse gas emissions, that would so utterly devastate the economy, and destroy the middle class (i.e. the rich get richer and the middle class becomes the poor) that it hardly lends itself to contemplation. Not to mention the shaky "science" that the alarmist crowd has based their propaganda on in the first place. Many reputable scientists have taken the stance that "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" is nothing more than natural cycles of warming and cooling that have been going on since God created the Earth (OK, so they don't all believe in creation, that was me, but the fact that some of these scientists don't believe in creation just proves that they are not taking the "anti" GW position due to any religious affiliation.) And there is plenty of evidence available to anyone to support that supposition, like the over a century worth of newspaper and magazine headlines that flip flop back and forth between "Global Warming" and "Global Cooling." In many of these articles you will find that at different times, since the late 1800's, renowned scientists have been certain that we were headed for an ice age, and then, 20 or 30 years later, we were all going to burn to death, and then, the ice age was back.

Now, let's look at what Al Gore did when he got the news. One would think that someone so obsessed with greenhouse gas emissions, and the release of Carbon dioxide, would have said, "Thank you, but I can't attend because of all the CO2 that would be released if I did," and then crawled back into his solar powered tent. But that is, of course, not what happened. No, Al Gore showed just how seriously he takes the whole thing when he left his Mansion, which uses over 20 times the electricity of the average American home, and hopped aboard a private jet for the flight to Switzerland, proving that, in just a few days, one person can release more CO2 than most entire families can in an entire year, even if they were trying to. Of course, I'm sure if confronted with this truth, Al's response would be something along the lines of explaining how he lives a "carbon neutral" life, and buys "carbon offset credits" when he lives in such flagrant excess.

To address that, let me say, being "carbon neutral" and "carbon offset credits" are a crock! In case anyone thinks that is worded too strongly, let me put it another way, they are a big steaming, stinking, pile of brown stuff, fresh from a cow's behind! I hope that's clear enough. The fact of the matter is that, even if we assume that there is any truth to the "greenhouse gas emissions" nonsense, you have either released the CO2 into the air or you have not. No amount of planting trees is going to make up for cruising all over the planet in a private jet. When it comes to his home energy needs, it is true that a good portion of the electricity comes from "green" energy production, things like wind and solar power, and "clean coal" which Gore will tell you releases no CO2, but, in fact, it simply releases less CO2 than traditional coal burning. However, if we are going to be honest about it, if Gore used less of this "green" electricity, there would be more to go around, and other people would not have to rely as heavily on the non-"green" energy production, so, he's still not doing his part. And let's not kid ourselves, Al Gore doesn't even buy his own offsets, he "works" for a company that does that for him.

The fact of the matter is that Al Gore wants regular folks like you and me to sacrifice everything to "Save the Planet" from the vestiges of "Global Warming." That's right, people like us, who, by the standards of the USA, don't have all that much to begin with, while multi-millionaires like him and his eco-nut buddies can go on living their lives any way they please.

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