Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Free Speech?

Someone tell me, please, if you can, at what point did it become considered freedom of speech to allow an enemy to come into your country and spew forth their propaganda? To me this would be classified as stupid, but I keep hearing it referred to as "free speech."

Could you imagine the reaction of the American people in the 1940's if Hitler had informed us that he wanted to visit Pearl Harbor? Not only would it not have been allowed, but the public outcry would have been beyond deafening. Could you imagine FDR's reaction if some American University had invited Hitler to address the student body? There is absolutely no way that he would have allowed it to happen. And yet, that is exactly what happened this week when the closest likeness to Hitler in the modern age was invited to speak at Columbia University.

Iranian President Ahminajihad, or is it Ahmanutjob... I can't ever keep it straight... was given the podium to spew whatever vile nonsense he wished, on our own soil.

As if it isn't bad enough that the lunatic was allowed to speak to Americans directly, some actually applauded this madman! If that doesn't tell you that we are in trouble, then you're probably reading the wrong blog. The only people that booed the crazy man were the gay rights crowd. Not surprising that they would, since he's from a country where gays are executed. But if it weren't for that would anyone have had a problem with him at all?

Here is a man who claims that Holocaust never happened, despite the mountains of evidence, and firsthand knowledge, that it is historical fact. This is a man who preaches that Israel doesn't have a right to exist. A man who tells us that it is none of our business if his country builds a nuclear bomb. On the last two counts, lets consider that, whatever else you may think of Israel, and I think a lot of them, they have been one of the USA's closest allies since the formation of their country, that, at least, should stand for something. And it certainly is our business if they develop a nuclear weapon, since it would mean that, for the first time since WWII,the bomb would be in the hands of someone crazy enough to use it. (In case anyone thinks I'm saying that we were crazy to drop the bomb(s) in WWII, I'm not, but that is a whole other subject.)

Now, I can understand if there was no way to keep him from being able to come to NYC to address the UN, although if there is a way, it should have been pursued. However, if there was no choice but to allow him to be there, at the very least he should have been restricted to the grounds of the UN, as a terrorist and enemy of the USA, he should not have been allowed to be anywhere in this country, outside of the UN compound, PERIOD!!!!

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