Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Endorsement Train

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today added his name to the list people endorsing John McCain for President. This begs the question, is there no end to this train of Pseudo-Republicans who are going to come out in favor of the Pseudo-Republican poster child?

Beyond this, in last nights debate, did anyone else notice that John McCain was very angry, defensive, nasty and vicious every time that anyone questioned his liberal record. He snidely and angrily proclaimed himself to be proud of his record, and twisted the facts about his record as much as possible to make it seem like it wasn't so bad.

As if his anger and twisting of his own record aren't bad enough, he told out and out lies about Mitt Romney, and even when he was clearly given the facts, he would not let go of those lies. He proved himself to be a politician, twisting not only his own record, but also Mitt Romney's record, and trying to twist his words, any way he could, to try to make himself look better than Romney. This is a classic trait of a liar. The liar feels that they can only look good if he can make other look bad. I don't understand why it is that people don't seem to be able to see through this.

McCain likes to talk of honor, but sadly, he has forgotten anything he ever knew about that subject.

Many will tell us that McCain's age shouldn't matter, and to some extent, they are correct. But one thing that the polls are showing is that seniors are voting for McCain at an alarming rate, that means that they are voting for him because of his age. This is just a crazy reason to vote for him. It's just as crazy to vote for someone based on age as it is to vote for someone based on race or gender. The fact is that none of these people are too young for the office, in fact, they can't be. Constitutionally a person must be a minimum of 35 years of age in order to be President.

McCain accuses Romney of mis-using buzz words, and yet all he seems able to do is use buzzwords to tell us that we should elect him. Of course, we shouldn't elect him, after all, if he couldn't keep his temper in check durring a debate, where you have to expect that people are going to say some not-so-nice things about you, how will he handle real problems on the world stage?

McCain accuses Romney of saying that he never held a real job, which is not what Romney said at all. What Romney said, and he has said it several times, that he (Romney) unlike McCain, has held a job in the real ecconomy. This is true. McCain was in the military, and he's been a politician, he has no experience actually getting things done outside of one of those two structures. Clearly military service bodes well for many people in many aspects of life, but there is no evidence to suggest it makes a person a better President, at least by itself.

Some are saying that because we are in a time of war, and McCain has been in the military, that he is the obvious choice to lead our country at this time. However, given that McCain is obviously the type of person who will not listen to other people, and will not allow for the possibility that he could be wrong, even when the errors in his own record are shown to him, he still will not admit mistakes. This makes him the worst option for the Oval Office. Someone like Romney knows the value of listening to people who know. He doesn't need to have his own military experience to draw on, he will have plenty of Generals to tell him what needs to be done, and let's face it, they are the ones that need to be listened to, even if the President has military service in his own past.

Now, for those who feel that they can't vote for Romney because of his Mormonism, I'll repeat something I've said before, by voting for him for President, you are not embracing or endorsing, or in any way approving of his religion.

I'm not saying that Romney is the best choice we could hope for, but he is clearly the best choice of what is left.

Another thing that Republicans should find telling, aside from the fact that McCain was endorsed by "The New York Times," and all his other endorsements are coming from liberal and so-called moderate Republicans, is the fact that Democrats are thrilled that he is doing so well. Why? Because, if McCain is the Republican Nominee, they get a Democrat for President no matter who wins. I still don't see how people don't see this.

McCain would be a disasterous choice for President of the United States of America. We cannot afford to put him in office. He has taken far too many stands against basic liberties, he has taken stands against the Constitution, he has a long history of pandering to Democrats, and embracing their point of view in the name of bipartisanship and getting stuff done. Sorry, John, doing the wrong thing is worse than doing nothing at all. He believes in Amnesty for illegal aliens, regardless of what he is saying in order to try to get people to vote for him. McCain is NOT the good choice for Republicans.

One of the ways that those in Washington get away with doing Unconstitutional things is because the American people don't know what the Constitution says. Don't let this be you, if you don't have a copy, you can go to http://www.heritage.org/ and they will send you a free pocket Constitution, so that you can see these things for yourself.

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