Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


I'm sure that most of you have heard of the group that has been going around the country protesting at the funerals of our military people that have been killed in Iraq. Basically their message is that God hates our military and our country because of the sin of homosexuality. In the past week, one woman at one of these protests was arrested because her son was desecrating an American flag (contributing to the delinquency of a minor, I think the charge was) a fully legitimate charge in my opinion. Now, let's look first at this group's (supposedly a Christian group) message. What about homosexuality? The Bible does indeed say that it is a sin, but does it say that it is any worse of a sin that a host of others that the Bible names? Depends on your personal interpretation of the scripture, but in short, no, not really. So why did they pick that one? Why not prostitution, or drug use, or public drunkenness, or gluttony, or extra-marital affairs, or greed, or child abuse, or child molestation, or rape, or murder, or lying, or stealing... or any number of others that happen in the country every single day? I guess it can be easy to pick the ones we don't like, especially if it's one we don't ourselves engage in, but really, aren't they all the same? Aren't they all sin? Now, as for the rest of their message, could this be punishment for any of this sins listed? Doesn't seem likely as we now live under Grace. Also, I'd like to point out, that while some might get the two confused, this message that they are putting forth is a far cry from the late Rev. Falwell saying that some of these groups helped 9-11 to happen, you see all he was saying that our tolerance of blatant sin may have caused God to stop protecting our nation the way He once did, not that he was punishing us for those sins. So, basically, I really don't buy into any of their message, besides, even if they were right and God were going to punish us for one or more of these things, why would He do it to our soldiers in the field and not the people that are here actually doing it, or those defending them in the media and politics? But again, even if they were right, is it right for them to protest at these funerals? I'm not asking if they have the right, to some extent or another they probably do, but I want to know if it is the right thing to do, and I'll answer that with, I don't think so. How about if we let these people mourn for the loss of their loved ones. Show some respect, back off, and shut up! I have an idea for where you can put those "God hates you" signs. God is love, He hates sin, but doesn't hate any person. The Bible tells us that God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. So, in short, I think that these people are lunatics. They make me angry, and I find them disgusting. With the tactics that they employ, I don't even want to hear any defense for what they have to say, and any good point that they may ever have made, goes right out the window because of the things they do and say. I'm sick of seeing them in the news and hearing about them. I want them to shut up and try to do something useful for a change. I can't speak to the condition of their souls, but if they really are Christians, then they need to be taught what being a Christian means, because they have a severely warped view. They damage Christ every time they stage a protest, and I, for one, am sick of them!

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