Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Friday, May 1, 2009

That's The Argument?

The other night at President Barack Obama's most inane press conference to date he was asked a question about Abortion. I was utterly floored by the outright silliness of his answer. Now, as usual, he spoke for several minutes, running out the clock to avoid the possibility that someone might actually ask him a serious question, not that Abortion is not a serious issue, but everyone knows how radically pro-abortion Obama is, so you can't really say asking his position constitutes a serious question. Anyway, the point is, you have to learn to ignore the clutter words and cut to the relevant section of any quote when listening to Obama. So here it is, he said that Pro-Choice is the correct position on the issue of Abortion because, are you ready for this? Because the women don't take the choice lightly!

Seriously, that was his argument in defense of Abortion. Utterly stunning isn't it? So, let's take a look at it, since it is, after all, the defense of a position offered by the President of the United States.

If you've read much of my blog, and if not you always have the option of looking back at the archives, you will see that I have addressed the Abortion issue multiple times, and explained why it is murder, why it is taking the life of an innocent human being, and posted several excellent explanations of the horror of Abortion from the wonderful people from Stand To Reason (linked in the sidebar), but Obama simply dismissed all of that, saying that it's OK because the women don't take the choice lightly, so, therefore, we must conclude from what he said, that there is nothing wrong with it for that reason alone.

Of course, you simply can't apply that kind of "logic" to a single issue, if it's good enough for Abortion, it's good enough for pretty much everything, right? So, what happens if we apply this concept across the board. What you come up with is a system whereby any action is justified as long as the decision to undertake that action is well considered, and of course, not taken lightly, and the action itself cannot be questioned, and is not subject to judgements of right or wrong or ciminality, or anything else. Under a system like this crime could only be punished if the perpetrator took the choice to commit the crime lightly.

Carjacking, OK as long as the criminal doesn't take the choice to carjack lightly.
Murder, OK, as long as the murderer doesn't take the choice to murder lightly.
Armed Robbery, OK, as long as the robber doesn't take the choice to rob lightly.
Rape, OK, as long as the rapist doesn't take the choice to rape lightly.
Genocide, OK, as long as the genocidal maniac doesn't take the choice to exterminate millions of people lightly.
War, OK, as long as the warmonger doesn't take the choice to wage an unjust war lightly.
Adultery, OK, as long as the cheater doesn't take the choice to cheat lightly.
Assault, OK, as long as the attacker doesn't take the choice to attack lightly.

I could go on and on, but I think the point is made.

In short, no matter what a person chooses to do is fine, as long as it is well considered, or not taken lightly. So said our President. Now, regardless if you like Obama or not, or if you are Pro-Life or Pro-Abortion, everyone has to see that this was about the silliest thing that could have been said, and nobody challenged him on it, now isn't that sad?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goes to show that people don't listen. Politicians are good at long answers so people get lost in the rhetoric.