Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Battle Lines

The battle lines are clearly drawn. Finally someone on the left has admitted what it is they really want. The head of the Green division of the British Government has stated that population control should be an aim of the left, and castigated the rest of the environmentalists for not being willing to talk about it. He is saying that people who have more than 2 children are enemies of the planet, and that contraception and abortion should be used to control population. US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tried to make a similar case, trying to get people to believe that money for contraception and abortion will help our economy to recover. Brittan and Canada have had socialist health care (call it universal coverage or whatever you wish) for many years now, and a close examination of their systems will show that this too is about population control, as I've been saying for some time. This is something else that the left wants to institute in the US. Government run health care amounts to health care rationing, or decreased access to health care, rather than increased access as some would have you to believe. Rationing health care, and restricting access to it, is for one purpose only, and that is to kill people, thus reducing overall population.

Aside from being lies of the left, even if they were true, these ideals are very shortsighted. Even if Speaker Pelosi were correct and keeping women from becoming pregnant and murdering babies in the womb would be a boost for our economy, what happens down the road when there are not enough younger workers to keep the economy moving? This is the problem faced by Japan right now. In fact, according to breakpoint (w/Chuck Colson and Mark Early), Japanese companies are sending their workers home early for the express purpose of... making babies. They have recognized the dire straights that they are in due to past practices and policies that have greatly lowered their birth rates, and they are taking action to correct the problem. Why are we trying to head in the other direction?

Beyond this, the fact of the matter is that these are, in fact, lies. The planet does not suffer from overpopulation, and is capable of sustaining many more people than are living on it today. Of course, we need the environmentalist wackoes to stop fighting against the farmers, and let them grow the crops and raise the livestock to be able to feed the global population, which they have the ability to do, if they are allowed to do so unhindered. Nor is "Global Warming", which has now turned into global cooling, forcing the extremists to change their jargon to "climate Change" which is a meaningless propaganda phrase, a real threat, according to leading and renowned climatologists, but instead of listening to them, the news only tells us about Al Gore and the other liberals, many with no science education at all, or certainly no specialty in climate science, saying that there can now be no doubt. True enough, there can be no doubt that these people are trying to introduce population control measures by any means they possibly can.

The truth of the matter is that it really comes down to the family. Rather than trying to destroy our culture by handing out condoms to our kids and murder as many babies as possible, we need to work on healing families. We need to undo the sexual revolution, get people to stop having sex before or outside of marriage, and stay married for life. I don't mean by laws, but by way of reason. We must start to explain that the way to make a strong, stable society, economy and everything, is by having a strong base of strong families.

You see, the family, and certainly not the Government, is the base of any society, and any society that loses that, and fails to regain it, is doomed to failure. Families are not perfect by any means, but they have been under constant attack in the country for many decades now, and the assault shows no signs of letting up any time soon. We must fight back. If we don't want abortion and population control, and further destruction of the family to be the norm of the day, we must take a stand now.

As Christians we can never accept the idea that murdering people by denying access to health care (under the guise of universal health care coverage) and murdering babies in the womb, can ever be the right way to go. If you didn't understand before why the ideals of the left are wrong, I hope you do now. I will try in the future to make this clearer. We must stand and fight for the family and for the people. Right vs. Left really is Right vs. Wrong.

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