Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm Going Green

Ok, well, I see pretty much everyone else making big announcements that they are going green, so I figured I'd jump on the bandwagon. So here's my big announcement:


Of course, all of these companies that make these big, bold claims, never really tell you anything about what exactly that means, but I'm not going to be like that. I'll tell you how I'm going green.

First, I'm not building a multi-million dollar mansion that uses 20 or more times that electricity of the average American household, so, right there, I'm ahead of Al Gore. Second, I'm not going to start flying around the world in private jets, which puts me ahead of most of the environmental movement. After that, I'm not going to put on huge "Earth benefit" concerts that pollute so much that the money raised barely covers the cost of the cleanup from the concert.

Of course, the biggest thing that I'm going to do is to denounce all the wackoes, and push for the construction of new Nuclear Power plants. Nuclear Energy being totally safe, and the greenest form of electric production. If we could build a whole bunch more of them, we could have truly affordable electricity in this country, it would be plentiful, and all without all those tons of so called greenhouse gasses that everyone is so worried about. That would be great wouldn't it?!!?

Ok, so let's be honest. This is not a new position for me, but it is a far "greener" position than that taken by all the big environmentalists. You know the type, they want to impose all sorts of regulations on the lives of the rest of us, but are willing to give up nothing themselves.

So, honestly, what's the truth about the green movement? It's all political. It has nothing to do with protecting the planet, and everything to do with ushering in a socialist form of Government. If you don't believe me, take a good hard look at what they are trying to push, and what it will really accomplish. If you look at it in the cold light of day, without the ideological covers, you will see that I am correct in this. No doubt about it.

1 comment:

Matt W. said...

I learned last night that the founder of Green Peace has come out and declared that Environmentalists have been wrong for being against Nuclear Power. How awesome is that?